After reading the SHMILY story, I was inspired to create a fun token to exchange back and forth with my wife in creative and unexpected places as a playful way to show how much we love each other. The SHMILY coin has become a token we treasure and we are happy to share them with others. We have enjoyed finding fun places to hide and surprise each other. After talking with the author of the SHMILY story, she agreed to let others enjoy the delight of sharing these SHMILY coins too!

Laura Hammond wrote the SHMILY story in 1995 as a short story in tribute to her grandparents who found numerous ways to surprise one another with messages telling each other, "See How Much I Love You." Laura's story was quickly forwarded throughout her family. Soon, friends of relatives were also inspired and eventually the SHMILY story was published in the Chicken Soup for the Couple's Soul book in 1999. The SHMILY story has since been published in numerous books and languages.

SHMILY coins are small (1½" round) coins that can be hidden in your loved one's wallet, purse, lunchbag, pillow, suitcase, dashboard, under their windshield wiper, in a card, briefcase, or any other place where it is sure to be found with an appreciative smile. SHMILY coins renew the playful part of any loving relationship, whether it's a spouse, sibling, child or friend. Everyone enjoys being reminded that they are loved--especially when the reminder comes at an unexpected time or place!